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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a list in 2020 of about 120 contagious infections that must be reported to health departments. This list includes communicable diseases so healthcare professionals can oversee, control, and prevent the transmission of these illnesses.
Keep reading to learn about four contagious diseases and how you can help to stop the spread.

1. SARS-CoV-2
SARS-CoV-2 is the official name for the 2019 Novel Coronavirus. SARS-CoV-2 is thought to be communicable up to 6 feet (2 meters) away and spread through respiratory droplets. An infected person is projected to spread the illness to two to three others.
One of the most common ways to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 is by wearing a mask, especially in public, enclosed area. Vaccines are showing good effectiveness rates at this time.
MRSA is short for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus is the bacterium that causes an infection better known as a staph infection. Staph infection resistants treatment by antibiotics like methicillin, amoxicillin, penicillin, oxacillin, and a group of drugs known as cephalosporins. The reason MRSA isn’t treatable with these medications is likely due in part to inappropriate prescribing and usage of antibiotics.
MRSA is highly contagious and spreads by skin-to-skin contact or sharing personal items like bath towels or razors. It’s also possible to catch MRSA by touching contaminated items or surfaces, especially in hospitals or other healthcare settings. The bacteria can cause a range of conditions, from mild skin infections to sepsis.
MRSA does respond to some antibiotics, but the best way to help infections is to stop it from spreading. You can prevent the spread of MRSA by washing your hands and using hand sanitizer frequently, practicing good hygiene, keeping wounds covered, and avoiding sharing personal items like clothing, towels, and shaving supplies.
3. Enterovirus D68
Enterovirus D68, or EV-D68, is commonly spread in summer or autumn, causing 10 to 15 million infections to occur in the United States per year. It causes respiratory problems that can be mild to severe, including:
- Cough
- Sneezing
- Runny nose
- Body aches
- Wheezing
- Trouble breathing
It is easily spread through respiratory droplets. It takes about seven to ten days to recover from the illness, but children may have a more severe infection. To prevent EV-D68, wash your hands, avoid touching your face, limit contact with sick people, clean and disinfect common surfaces often, and consider wearing a mask.
Another way to avoid EV-D68 is with UZ disinfection technology.; you can check out this page to read more about it.
4. Viral Hepatitis
There are multiple types of viral hepatitis, the most common of which are A, B, and C. Viral hepatitis causes inflammation of the liver and possible scarring. They can spread through bodily fluids, blood, or food and drink.
Type A, which is often transmitted in restaurants, is preventable with a vaccine. Hepatitis B is passed through bodily fluids and preventable through vaccination, safe sex, and avoiding contact with infected blood. Type C is most likely to cause long-term illness and liver damage.
Preventing the Spread of Communicable Diseases
Communicable diseases like SARS-CoV-2, MRSA, Enterovirus D68, and Hepatitis are infections that can be passed from person to person. There are treatments for these conditions and vaccines for some of them. Preventing the spread of these illnesses can be as simple as washing your hands or wearing a mask.
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