4 Essentials for A Long Term Emergency Power Outage


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Power outages can occur anywhere as long as the household is connected to a grid and the common causes for such interruptions range from hurricanes, thunderstorms, and downed power lines. Losing electricity usually results in inconveniences, especially since the majority of people became dependent on it as well as its benefits.

There are four essential things that every homeowner should prepare in the event of a power outage.


Food is a necessity for survival since no one can last long without it. The moment a power outage occurs, expect the store shelves to lose supply hours after the electricity was lost.

Stock on long-lasting food before the electricity gets cut to ensure that you’re well-stocked in case the outage lasts longer than expected. Easy to prepare non-perishable food items are excellent for such situations and such includes canned goods, dry food, snacks, and drinks. If there are pets in the home, appropriate pet food should also be prepared to keep them from exhausting your own supply.

While stockpiling food is essential for survival, lack of food rotation ensures that what you have in storage will eventually expire without you knowing it. Stock on food but remember to consume them even when there’s no power interruption.


A family requires at least a gallon of water per person a day to function well during an emergency, not including reserves meant for cooking and hygiene. Stockpiling water and conserving them is a no-brainer, but people tend to expend water rather quickly.

Stockpiling water bottles may seem wise, but don’t forget to check for their expiration dates. While water doesn’t expire, the bottles degrade, and the chemicals can contaminate the water.

Being knowledgeable about sourcing water from nature allows an individual to survive even when the supply runs out.

First-aid Kit

Many households tend to possess first-aid kits in case any member of the family receives injuries. They are the typical go-to every time someone gets a wound even when it isn’t an emergency which can result in a lack of supply during a power interruption.

Replenish first-aid kits when used continuously to ensure that supply is available when an emergency occurs.


Power outages mean no light in a household, possibly resulting in different injuries and inconveniences, especially during nighttime. People usually turn to candles and flashlights for illumination, but they have their downsides.

Candles, though inexpensive, can be a hazard, especially around children as they can cause fires when not attended to by adults. Flashlights, on the other hand, are safe for all ages, but when they run out of power, there’s no way of charging them.

Investing in solar lanterns assures the homeowner that there’s no need to endure a power outage with no lights since they automatically recharge during the day for use in low light. Losing light can cause accidents due to low visibility, but solar lanterns can prevent such cases. For more information regarding the essentials during a long-term emergency power outage, see this infographic by d.light including more on solar lanterns.


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