Top 10 Ways to Make Money From Digital Photography in 2022


You have discovered the art of photography and improved your skills. But now you are thinking: “How can I make money from photography?”.

Here are some of the lesser-known ways to get a job as a photographer. It doesn’t matter if you’re building a profile or creating WooCommerce banner images or struggling to find a job you’re ready for. This post will help you understand how to make money from photos.

Make Money

Way#1. Sell Your Photos on Stock Photography Sites

Do you have a large number of high-quality images? Why not place them in art galleries? What a great way to get a passive income stream! Please become a member of sites like iStock, BigStock, and ShutterStock, or submit your photos to your Flickr account and license them through Getty Images.

Register as a contributor. You will be required to provide basic information about yourself and your identification. Read and understand the rules of delivery. Submit your images and add metadata, image description, and captions. Submit your photos for review.

Way #2. Join a tour company

Travel and photography go well together, so why not make some money taking photos this way? One way to do this is to join a travel company and take pictures of their clients. An example would be photographed on a cruise ship or theme park.

The photographer’s responsibility is to get results according to established guidelines, so it’s not for everyone because a pilot’s license may not be necessary. You like it. The task comes with a goal, and you need to take several photos a day.

The nature of this work is often familiar. Another option is to photograph travel programs, such as those offered by youth travel, to photograph the people who visit and the places they visit.

Way #3. Teach photography online

That’s a lot of money for you if you want to share your knowledge and skills in art.

You can be a great photographer, but that doesn’t mean you have to be a good teacher. Like photography, teaching is a talent and skill at the same time. Before embarking on this path, ask yourself if you are ready and happy with it.

If you’re rocking the deal right now, start by applying to become a mentor on popular online media outlets like Udemy and Skillshare. Follow the teachings from the best art teachers. Find a topic on the introductory course and filter only the classes with the highest grade.

Complete your profile and Instagram profile. Students may want to check their work before enrolling in your class. Make sure your website or Instagram profile looks authentic before promoting your style.

Provide interactive preview videos. Your students may watch your videos first before purchasing your class. Make sure they have valuable information, but don’t reveal too much – it provokes them to want more.

Think of your corner. Don’t just ask to teach photography. Decide if you are a wildlife photography expert or a photography instructor. Maybe you are better versed in the technical aspects of photography or everything related to modeling.

Way #4. Review photo products on YouTube

Most of us check product reviews on the Internet before buying, especially when choosing tools or other expensive products. If you have a proven track record of cameras, why not use them to prepare your product review videos?

The art industry relies on the marketing and sale of various technologies, tools, and equipment. Cameras, glasses, and flashlights are everyday items that can be valued for money.

Keep in mind that some people who do successful product reviews may not be good photographers. But their professional skills allow them to make a living from professional evaluations. Over time, you’ll be able to expand your audience, gain traction, and close more traffic by reviewing products you like.

Way #5. Sell your work as fine art

Selling your paintings as great artists is another way to lose. Jobs with a signing system are recognizable and generally don’t do well here. You’re looking for work that people want to hang on the wall, which makes sense. Good marketing will help you excel in this area, and things like magazine impressions are great when you get them.

Way #6. Become a photography blogger

If you love to write, a blogging blog can be a great and valuable addition to your photography skills. To stand out among the current photojournalists, choose an exciting format for your blogs, such as examples and travel photos, technical information for photographers, a philosophical approach to photography, photoshoots, and excellent food photos.

In other words, write about what you like or know well. You can earn money by blogging. Place ads on your blog and get paid every time a visitor clicks on it. I write for photo blogs and ads to pay authors.

Way #7. Sell Prints Online

If you have enough training, there is a good chance that you have already taken some fantastic pictures. It’s excellent, of course, people will want to buy it. So why not start selling printers? There are many ways to make money selling printers. Both options are straightforward to make and inexpensive.

The easiest way is to sell your photos online through a third-party buyer. They will do all the work, process the order, and print and distribute the books. In return, they give you a commission. There’s no reason you can’t jump right into your best photos and post them on the site right now. Start making money with the printers you sell today!

Way #8. Join Photo Contests

Don’t believe you have enough skills to win an art contest? Think again! In the end, it is not only professionals who participate in these competitions. The competitors you will be competing against are usually a professional mix of photographers with different levels of experience and skills, so don’t be afraid to step in and try your hand at your challenge.

What are you losing? Even if you don’t win any cash prizes, photo contests can boost your confidence and get you into the show.

Way #9. Work as a press photographer

Like working on a magazine, you only take pictures of what is current at the minute. Most photographers working in this field are highly experienced and work with agencies like the AP, Getty, or AFP. Again, you are not the only one entering this field, and you need to have experience first.

If you have the opportunity to take a photo of a commercial, go there and take a picture to improve your media skills. Try sending it directly to the newspaper if you have a good shot. Suppose you can show that you can lead to future work.

Way #10. Offer your skills on freelancer platforms

Looking for photos or series? Freelance platforms are an excellent place to find your first clients. Some of the most popular freelance websites include Fiverr, Upwork, and Freelancer.

In addition to participating in these events, there are other ways to test your first sales. For example, use your personal and professional contacts, share your file on social networks, or contact companies directly (for instance, offer to take more professional photos than their website).


There are numerous ways to make money online with photography. You can sell printed books, offer your art or return services, or learn. Depending on your personality and interests, you can fund your photography skills.


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