Lifelong Benefits of Sports for Children


Through friendly competition, teamwork and physical activity, kids have the opportunity to learn new skills, develop self-confidence, build character and much more. Regular physical activity helps a child’s development and promotes overall well-being. These are benefits that help children grow and develop to their full potential.

There are lots of opportunities for children of all ages to find a sport they enjoy. There are camps for every interest, from kids basketball training in Sydney to soccer, tennis, volleyball and more.

Your children will learn sportsmanship, leadership, teamwork, confidence, perseverance and resilience.

Sports for Children

Health Benefits

Regular physical exercise helps build healthy bones, strong muscles and joints.  Children who participate in active sports have better hand-eye coordination, endurance and strength.  They sleep better and reduce the risk of future illness.

Sports participation by children is a strong predictor of becoming an active adult.  Children who play sports are eight times more likely to be active adults. 

Whatever sport your child favours developing an enthusiasm for sports leads to a healthier life. 

Educational Benefits

Sports help children develop and improve cognitive skills.  Participating in organized physical activity is associated with improved academic performance including grades and standardized test scores.  Sports help kids improve their concentration and attention resulting in improved classroom behavior.

Sports help develop the brain and cognitive skills.  This gives children a better capacity to retain information,  The hippocampus is the part of the brain that’s responsible for learning and memory.  Studies have found that consistent cardio-vascular activity is linked to better brain function and improved memory.

High school athletes are more likely than non-athletes to attend college and get a degree.  Team captains and most valuable players achieve in school at even higher rates. 

Emotional Benefits

Kids who play sports have fewer emotional and behavioural problems.  They are less likely to do drugs or have a bad body image. 

Studies have found that children who participate in team sports are less likely to have signs of anxiety, depression, withdrawal, social problems and attention problems.  Kids who play sports can leave their stress and aggression on the playing field and experience a reduction in stress and a better mood overall.

By learning teamwork, perseverance, and resilience kids learn to deal with the disappointment of losing and the joy of winning.  They come to understand that life can be tough, that you don’t always win, and that you can cope with these disappointments and carry on.  They come to understand that winning and losing are part of life and develop the skills and knowledge to handle it graciously, and develop strategies for coping with both.

Leadership Skills

Sports build strong leaders.  The leadership skills learned in sports can help kids excel in school and in life.  In the workplace leadership skills are essential.  Student-athletes build confidence and character in high-pressure situations which is a highly esteemed trait in the business world.

Organized sport has many psychological and social benefits for children.  This is because children benefit from being part of a team and from the involvement and support of parents and other adults.