Google Podcast App

Google Podcast App Settings and Features?

The Google Podcast App has a number of settings that you can change.You have control over...
twitch account

How to delete your twitch account on mobile?

If necessary, visit and log into your twitch account.Use this link to access "" or...
PayPal transaction

How to cancel a PayPal transaction?

Following are steps that help you cancel a PayPal transaction: Step 1: Log in...
curology account

How to cancel my Curology account?

To cancel your Curology account Please send an email to with the subject "Cancellation Request"...
cancel an order with Amazon account

Why is the Amazon account closed?

Customers claim that Amazon canceled their amazon accounts without giving them any prior notice. Customer confidence is Amazon's top priority, a spokesman...
American Eagle jeans

Do American Eagle Jeans come with a lifetime warranty?

Yes, American Eagle jeans come with a lifetime warranty.Bring your ripped or torn jeans to any...